
In accordance with Article 13 of Legislative Decree No. 196/2003: the Italian “Data Protection Code” – and with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 in force since 25 May 2018: General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) (hereinafter the Privacy Code and GDPR will be collectively called “Applicable Regulations”), Dalibra S.r.l. means to describe the website management methods adopted in relation to the processing of the personal data of the users that visit it. The processing is always based on principles of lawfulness and fairness in compliance with any regulations in force, and appropriate security measures are taken to protect your data. This privacy statement only concerns the website owned by Dalibra S.r.l. , so it does not apply to any other websites you may visit through links. Those websites are responsible for their own data processing means and therefore reference must be made to them.

To this end, Dalibra S.r.l. wishes to inform you about what follows:

A – Purposes of the data processing

The processing of your personal data will serve the following purposes:

Your personal data (email address, name, surname, telephone number, company) will be used only with your prior explicit consent for sending you advertising, information, promotional, commercial emails, newsletters you might be concerned with in relation to advising services rendered by Dalibra S.r.l. , training courses, conferences, regulatory news and commentaries on them, as well as any other information concerning the legal environment where Dalibra S.r.l. operates.

B – Mandatory/optional nature of data collection and consequences in case you do not provide your data

Your consent to the processing of your personal data for the purposes mentioned in letter A above is optional, and in case of refusal you will not receive any communication from Dalibra S.r.l.

The CLIENT can in any case and at any time object to such processing by sending Dalibra S.r.l. a simple request by email or regular mail in the ways mentioned in letter G below.

C – Processing procedure

Your personal data will be processed as follows:

recording and processing on paper;

recording and processing in magnetic media.

Your data will be processed by Dalibra S.r.l. collaborators and employees designated as “Data Processors”, who have been given adequate operating instructions.

D – Data communication

Your personal data will be neither disclosed to third parties nor sold for any reason whatsoever. The electronic filing related to promotional communication is kept in Italy, and consequently no transfer of personal data outside Italy will be made.

For the purposes mentioned in letter A above:

– your personal data may be processed by internal staff acting as “Data Processors” only when processing is necessary for them to carry out their duties, and only in connection with such operations that are required for the carrying out of their duties;

– your personal data may be processed by Companies that directly collaborate with Dalibra S.r.l. and act as external Data Processors, whose list is constantly updated and can be consulted by sending a written message to the address below or an email to:

E – Data retention period

Your personal data collected for the purpose stated in this privacy notice will be retained until withdrawal of consent as per letter B, unless the same information is the subject of further processing by the same Data Controller. In any case, upon withdrawal of consent your data will not be processed anymore for the purpose mentioned in letter B.

You can ask for further details as to the personal data retention period and the criteria applied in order to determine such period by sending a written message to the address below or an email to:

Specific security measures are adopted to prevent data loss, unlawful use, unfair use, and unauthorized access.

F – Type of data processed

Browsing data:

During their normal working the IT systems and software processes that make this website work capture some personal data whose transmission is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols.

This data is not collected with the purpose of linking it to identified users, but it might, by its nature,  make it possible to identify the users through processing and association with the data retained by a third party.

This category of data includes the IP addresses or the domain names of the computers used by the visitors who access a website, the URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) strings of the resources requested, time at which a request was sent, the method followed in submitting the request to the server, the size of the answer file, a numeric code showing the status of the answer given by the server (successful completion, error, etc.), as well as other parameters relating to the user’s operating system and computing environment.

This data, which will be erased immediatly after processing, is only used to obtain anonymous statistical information about the use of the website and to check whether it is functioning correctly.

Data supplied voluntarily by the user:

Optional, explicit and voluntary forwarding of the user’s details and email address to the addresses mentioned in this website will entail capture of this data, which is needed to respond to your requests, and of any other personal data included in your message.

The Client’s personal data is required for the purposes mentioned in letter A above and for handling their requests.

G – Users’ Rights

Within the limits of the Applicable Regulations, you have the right to ask at any time for access to your data and for confirmation whether or not it exists, to know its content and origin, verify its accuracy or ask for supplement or updating or amendment thereof, and to obtain the data held about you in a clearly structured, machine readable format (Article 7 of the Italian Data Protection Code and Article 12 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679).

You have the right, under the same articles, to ask for deletion, anonymisation or blocking of any data processed in violation of law, and to object to their processing for legitimate reasons.

Data subjects have at any time the right to obtain information.

Any requests should be sent by email to:

or by post to: Dalibra S.r.l. , Loc. Valle n. 26 – 66030 – Arielli (CH)

In compliance with the Applicable Regulations, you have the right to make a complaint to the competent supervisory authority (Data Protection Supervisor) in case you think that the processing of your Personal Data is against the regulations in force.

H – Data Controller and Data Processor

The data controller of this website is Dalibra S.r.l. , with registered office in Loc. Valle n. 26 – 66030 – Arielli (CH) , VAT identification number IT02750970697.

The Data Processor acting on behalf of the Company is the pro tem legal representative appointed for that purpose.

I – Changes

The Data Controller reserves the right to change or simply update, in whole or in part, the content of this privacy notice, which in some cases may be due to changes in the Applicable Regulations. Therefore, the Data Controller invites you to regularly visit this section in order to learn about the most recent version, so that you can constantly keep abreast of the data collected and of the use Dalibra S.r.l. makes of it. These changes will be binding as soon as they appear on this website.

Last modified: January 12, 2023